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  • 奋斗没有你想想的那么美好


    Recently, one of Ms friend was about to graduate. He had been looking for a job and he came to M for advice. 最近,M的一位朋友即将毕业,正在找工作,来咨询M的意见。 This friend of Ms now works as an intern in a public institution. This insti... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 20多岁时,千万不能太闲


    A group of researchers in America have done a survey . 美国的一群研究人员做了一项调查。 They asked a lot of people what their greatest regret is. 他们询问了很多人,问这些人最大的遗憾是什么。 And according to the statistics they got, 75% of... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 如果你害怕,那说明你不傻


    Fear is a priceless treasure . 恐惧是一种物价的宝藏。 Because, usually, only fear can remind you in critical occasions what is really important. 因为,很多时候,只有恐惧才能够强有力地提醒你什么才是最重要的。 Fear is in fact our awe towards... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 什么才是真正的富裕阶层?


    There is a concept that you may hear about often, which is called the middle class. 你可能经常听到一个概念中产阶级。 Do you know the exact meaning of expression? 但你知道它的具体含义吗? Its not just about being relatively wealthy. 不,并不... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 有趣的人,永远视生活如初恋


    If you suddenly get old tomorrow, would you feel regret when you look back at your life? 如果明天你就会突然变老,当你回顾你这一生的时候,你会感到遗憾吗? Or would you feel that your life is worth it? 还是说,你觉得这一生很值得? Or you have... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 后悔没在20几岁做这些事


    Life is filled with regrets. Ask anyone around you what their regrets are and they usually have no difficulty coming up with many items on their regret list. And for some reason our twenties are ripe for a field of regrets. 人生总是充满遗憾... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 不要小看一个身材好的人


    Who doesnt like someone who is in good shape? 谁不喜欢身材好的人呢? Its just that many people are not willing to admit it. 只是好多人不太愿意说出来罢了。 For thats judging someone based on their appearance, right? 毕竟,那不就是以貌取人吗... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 你有几个钱包?


    How many wallets do you have? 你有几个钱包? Technically speaking, everyone of us has 3 wallets. 其实我们每个人都有3个钱包。 And they are the consumers wallet, the speculators wallet and the investors wallet. 它们分别是:消费钱包、投机钱包... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 正能量比负能量更可怕


    The truth is that more than half of a persons life does not usually go as we wish. 事实是,人生中的很大一部分都是不如意的。 Those who tries so hard to appear positive are usually those who feel totally not secured deep down in their hearts.... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我决定从此过上幸福的生活


    It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch reading a fairy tale to my little girl. She sat next to me with her head on my arm as I told the tale. When it came to the end I finished with those famous words: And they lived... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 在狗狗眼里,人类是不老的神?


    What If Dogs Think We Are Immortal? 如果在狗狗眼里,人类是不老的神会怎么样? Someone posted that concept on Tumblr, and the responses that came in brought tears to my eyes. 有人把这个想法分享在Tumblr上,让我感动不已。 They live so long but... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 把时间看做投资,生活就不一样了


    Think of how stingy you are with your money: if someone on the street asks for $10, youre not giving it to them. Theres no way youre giving a 30% tip for a normal dining experience. And so on. 想想你在花钱上是多么的吝啬,如果有人在街上问你... [ 阅读全文 ]
