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  • 请让自己值得拥有爱情


    If youre really longing for love, dont just wait for it to happen. 如果你真的渴望爱情,就不要只是期待遇到谁。 Make yourself deserving this love. 去让自己变得值得拥有这份爱情吧。 Dont just wait for someone to warm your heart every time you f... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我不同意你的观点,但我尊重你


    With the years gone by, I have found that more and more people that I met have different views from mine. 随着一年一年过去,我发现,我和越来越多的人观点不同。 Sometimes I couldnt even use the word different to describe this, because our vie... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 谦虚与自信都要适度


    These arent even that good. I think I could do better. Thats one of the reasons I started writing. Because I was reading other articles and that thought came to mind. Ive even thought that about books. Famous books. Brilliant books. 这些都... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 付出爱,就会收获爱


    Several years ago, I was deploying overseas so I decided to leave my black cat Larry with my mother. 几年前,我要被调配到海外工作,所以我决定把我的黑猫拉瑞托付给我妈。 It was hard. Because I love my cat so much. I couldnt imagine living wit... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 珍惜现在,才能活得快乐


    It was a summer day. And old man strolled on a hill cheerfully. 那是一个夏日。一位老人正神清气爽地在山坡上散步。 He wiped the perspiration on his forehead with his sleeve and kept humming melodies to entertain himself. 他用袖子拂去额头上的... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 钱不是万能的,但却是必要的


    Sure, money cannot buy you everything. 诚然,钱不能带给你一切。 But no one can deny that its necessary. 但所有人都不得不承认:钱是必要的。 I need money to have a shelter so that I wont freeze to death when winter comes. 我得有钱才能有个栖身... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 与人打交道,最怕没有底线


    The worst thing you can encounter when you interact with people is your own lack of a base line. 人际交往中最不能做的第一件事,就是没有底线。 No matter who you are interacting with, be it your family, your friend or strangers, you should kn... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 没能将你杀死的,将使你强大


    A mans favorite donkey falls into a deep precipice; He cant pull it out no matter how hard he tries; He therefore decides to bury it alive. 一名男子心爱的毛驴落入深崖中。无论他怎么努力,他都无法把它拉出来,因此他决定把毛驴活埋。 Soil is pou... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我花了20美元让世界变得更好


    I Paid For A Young Womans Groceries 我为一个女孩买了杂货 I was in line at Trader Joes and the young woman in front of me had her card declined, she embarrassedly handed the cashier another card, which was also declined and then a final card... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 越是爱自己,越应该对自己狠


    Loving yourself doesnt mean drowning yourself in all kinds of material luxury. Neither does it mean complaining about how unfair the world is with all those lame excuses of yours. 所谓的爱自己,并不是用各种奢侈的物质财富淹没自己,也不是用各... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 文化层次高的人,不怕独处


    I once saw such a scene in The Shawshank Redemption : 我曾在《肖申克的救赎》中看过这样一个场景: Andy was confined in a cell for a month. He spent everyday of that month in darkness with only mice around him. 安迪被关了一个月的禁闭,每天都... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 冥冥之中自有天意


    It is spring of 1943 during World War II. 1943年的春天,正值第二次世界大战。 Standing among hundreds of new soldiers at Camp Grant, in Illinois, my father, Sam, just 18 years old, waits as a truck slowly drives by. 在伊利诺伊州的格兰特营地... [ 阅读全文 ]
