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  • 东京医科大学为了不录取女生篡改成绩


    A Japanese medical university has systematically discriminated against female applicants because women tend to quit as doctors after starting families, media reports have alleged. 媒体曝出,日本一家医科大学有计划地排除女考生,理由是女性在... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 甜瓜亲笔 衷心地感谢雷霆粉丝


    甜瓜安东尼已抵达休斯顿并且完成了体检,与火箭队正式签约。随后,甜瓜写了一封亲笔信,对雷霆表达了自己的感激之情。原文如下: Thank You, OKC 谢谢你,奥克拉荷马城 I know it was only one season, but from the time I arrived in OKC,I was greeted wi... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国人民银行重罚多家支付机构


    Chinas central bank confiscated the illegal gains of and levied fines on three companies for violating regulations on payment services, the Peoples Bank of China said last Monday. 中国人民银行上周一宣布,已对违反支付服务相关规定的三家公司... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 走后门? 特朗普岳父母宣誓成为美国公民!


    President Donald Trumps parents-in-law have become US citizens in a private ceremony. 在举行一场私人仪式后,唐纳德·特朗普总统的岳父岳母已经正式成为美国公民。 Viktor and Amalija Knavs, Melania Trumps Slovenian-born parents, took the oath o... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 上半年上海人均收入及支出均位居全国第一


    Chinas national consumer expenditure per capita went up 6.7% year-on-year to reach 9,609 yuan in the first six months, while Shanghai residents took the lead in both spending at 21,321 yuan and disposable income at 32,612 yuan, according t... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 梅根婉拒艾美奖邀约,正式向演员身份告别


    Meghan Markle has reportedly declined an invitation to the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles next month.据报道,梅根·马克尔拒绝了下月于洛杉矶举办的艾美奖邀请函。The former Suits star is said to have politely turned down the invitation and that h... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 易烊千玺“唱出”国宝《千里江山图》


    The then 18-year-old artist Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty (960-1279) painted A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains, one of the most important pieces in China’s fine art history. Centuries later, an 18-year-old singer, Chinese singer-acto... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国证监会立新规完善退市


    Chinas securities regulator released a statement on amended rules related to the criteria for delisting companies on its stock exchanges. 中国证券监管机构近日发布了一则关于完善企业退市制度的声明。 In the amended rules, companies whose acti... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国考虑起草有关退伍军人福利的法律


    China is considering drafting a law on veterans welfare and a guideline on the work related to veterans in the new era, minister of veterans affairs Sun Shaocheng said last Tuesday. 退伍军人事务部部长孙绍骋上周二表示,中国正在考虑起草一部... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 昔日NBA巨星今何在?


    本华莱士、阿里纳斯、罗伊,乃至姚明,他们都曾经在篮球场上给我们留下了无数美好的回忆。但辉煌的职业生涯也不过是人生的上半场,那么现在,就让我们一起来看看昔日巨星们的下半场表现吧! Big Ben 本·华莱士 First of all, Ben Wallace shaved off his si... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 14道题测测你是不是D型人格


    Are you a Type D personality? Test reveals how the little-known character type is so good at bottling up emotions that even they dont realize theyre lonely and anxious. 你有D型人格特征吗?有测试表明,拥有这种鲜为人知的性格的人非常善于隐藏... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • Emoji图库里有了比基尼,还需要连体泳衣吗?


    The Miss America pageant is not the only establishment rethinking the swimsuit portion of its offering. 美国小姐选美大赛(Miss America)并不是唯一一个在重新考虑泳装环节的机构。 The Unicode Consortium — that is, the emoji overlords (or, more... [ 阅读全文 ]
