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  • 菲利普亲王正式道歉,承认自己被太阳迷花了眼


    Prince Philip has finally written a letter to the mother of two he injured in a car crash, admitting that the collision was his fault. 菲利普亲王终于给在车祸中受伤的两个孩子的母亲写了一封道歉信,承认车祸是他的错。 The 97-year-old – who lo... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 海莉要用“Hailey Bieber”设计服装,这波秀恩爱666


    Hailey Baldwin has been Hailey Bieber since summer 2018 when she obtained a marriage license with the Sorry singer in New York City. 自从2018年夏天海莉·鲍德温在纽约与这位《Sorry》演唱者领证之后,她就已经是海莉·比伯了。 And the savvy 22-y... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 安妮海瑟薇确认《公主日记3》即将开拍,剧本已写好


    Its been 15 years since we were last treated to a Princess Diaries film, but it might not be long until we get another. 我们已经有15年没看《公主日记》了,但我们可能很快就能看下一部了。 The Princess Diaries 3 is on its way folks. 《公主日记... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 夏洛特小公主要成乔治的小学妹?这也太萌了


    Princess Charlotte is set to enroll at the same school as her older brother. 夏洛特小公主要去上他哥哥上过的学校了。 Insiders have told that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are planning to send her to Thomass Battersea in South-West Londo... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 乔治小王子小名是“阿奇”?


    Prince George revealed his nickname is Archie when he started chatting to a dogwalker. 乔治小王子在和遛狗的人聊天的时候,透露了自己的绰号叫“阿奇”。 The young prince was walking with his grandmother, Carole Middleton, near her home in Ber... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • Zara换了个logo,网友对此并不感冒


    Zara has unveiled a new, curvier logo - but not everyone is a fan. Zara推出了一个新的,有曲线的标志 - 但不是每个人喜欢。 The fast-fashion retailer recently revealed the updated logo, which replaced its former easily-recognised logo, on its... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国限制游客去珠穆拉玛峰


    China will cut the number of climbers attempting to scale Mount Everest from the north by a third this year as part of plans for a major clean-up on the worlds highest peak. 这是中国今年第3次限制登山者从北边攀爬埃佛勒斯峰,这也是他们清理世... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国骄傲! 李娜入选国际网球名人堂


    Chinese tennis legend Li Na will be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Li is the first Asian player to receive the sports ultimate honor. 中国网球传奇李娜将入选国际网球名人堂。李娜是首位获得这一网球界至高荣誉的亚洲球员。... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 《黑豹》夺得演员工会奖最高奖项 原班人马或将回归拍续集


    Its still Wakanda forever. “瓦坎达万岁”再次响起。 The superhero mega-hit Black Panther won for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a motion picture at Sunday nights Screen Actors Guild Awards. 在周日晚的美国演员工会奖颁奖礼上,超级... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 支付宝红包怎么用 2018支付宝红包攻略 赶快抢


    转眼间,支付宝扫码领红包已经开展一个多月了,因为在活动期间的效果还不错,所以支付宝也是特别延长了这个活动的时间!那么支付宝10亿红包活动结束了吗?支付宝第四期10亿红包活动是什么时候?快来领取支付宝跨年红包! 马云爸爸为了推广支付宝线下支付可谓是煞费苦... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 支付宝红包怎么领取 领大红包的 赶快吧


    新的一年,马云带给大家新的惊喜,撒钱活动,搞了一个专享红包,每天都可以领一个,并且只有在当天消费才能使用。咋一看红包金额确实不小,但是真正使用起来门槛重重。 活动玩法: 1.将支付宝生成的红包口令发给他人,朋友复制后进入支付宝即可领取到店红包... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 共享单车在英国遭受破坏


    共享单车在英国遭受破坏 Bike Sharings Destroyed In UK 关于互联网关于学骑自行车关于素质关于美德 共享单车在英国遭受破坏 Bike Sharings Destroyed In UK Bike sharing is very popular in China, and many foreigners fall in love with these yellow bik... [ 阅读全文 ]
