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我的烦恼 My troubles 烦恼痛苦相关英语作文

Annoying Advertisement 恼人的广告

Every day when we turn on theTV-set, what appears into our eyes first is advertisement. Some people think that advertisements have many advantages, while I take no interests in them atall. On the contrary, they are a great nuisance in my mind.


There are two main disadvantages of advertisements. For one thing, advertisements often mislead us. Most sellers on advertisements boast that their products are superior to other ones in the markets. However, they are inferior in quality. When people fall for the tricks, they can do nothing but complain and regret because they can’t contact the sellers to get compensation after purchasing. For another, advertisements usually take up plenty of time on TV, so we can’t watch any TV programs in a happy mood. What is worse is that many interesting programs are segmented by a lot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed. But we have to stand.


In conclusion, advertisements have become a new form of visual pollution which must be prohibited strictly.


我的烦恼 My troubles

  (河南省卷) 假如你叫张蒙,班主任李老师想了解班级同学的状况,以便有针对性地对学生进行考前心理疏导。请你根据下面的内容要求,给班主任李老师写封e-mail,说明自己的情况,并请她给你提一些建议。内容要求:

  1. 学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育活动。同学间缺乏沟通和交流。

  2. 在家不允许看电视、上网、听音乐等。

  3. 词数80左右。文中不得出现真实的校名、姓名。

  4. 开头和结尾已给出。不计入总词数。

  From:zhangmeng@163.com      To:chlw524@sina.com    Subject:problems     Date:June 26

  Dear Ms Li,

  I'm very glad to write to you_______________________________________________________________

  Best wishes.

  Zhang Meng


  Dear Ms Li,

  I'm very glad to write to you. I have a lot of troubles these days. Every day I have a lot of homework to do at school. I don't enough time to sleep. I nearly have no time to do sports. My friends and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together. When I get back home from school, I'm not allowed to watch TV,  http://www.123zuowen.com surf the Internet or listen to my favourite music. I feel worried about them. I don't know what I should do. Could you please give me some suggestions?

  Best wishes.




令人伤心的一件事 A sad thing

  A Sad Story

  Last Monday when I  stepped into my classroom,  my monitor told us that our class teacher, Mr Sun, had passed away in a traffic accident. It seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons on Monday morning. I couldn't accept the fact until the headmaster came to tell us the truth.

  Mr Sun was a middle-aged teacher. He was full of sense of humour. We all liked him very much because of his excellent teaching. His lessons were usually very lively and interesting.We all liked to attend his class. He was an experienced teacher.

  Mr Sun will always live in our hearts!







    下一篇:令人伤心的一件事 A sad thing
