

主页 >高考作文 >高考素材 > 英语寓言故事:会说话的鱼


作者:高中作文网来源:未知时间:2014-06-30阅读: 次字体:在线投稿手机浏览

Once upon a time, a worker who was very poor found some work as a fisherman's helper. He was paid a few fish a day, and this kept him and his wife alive, though barely(勉强). One day the worker caught an especially pretty little fish. As he turned it over in his hands, he thought, "Why, what a marvelous(不可思议的) fish this is!" Suddenly the fish spoke to him, in a human voice.


"See here, brother man! Just moments ago I was playing with my friends, and I got caught in your net. Now here I am in your hands, suffering and probably dying! My parents and my playmates must be searching for me and worrying terribly about me." Now the fish was gasping.(喘息)


"Please have pity on me. Throw me back into the water!"


The worker gazed at (凝视)the marvelous talking fish. Could it be true? Was it possible that a fish lives a life filled with joys and sorrows, also?


He quickly threw the fish back into the water. "All right, my pretty little fish, go along and play again -- I don't want your parents and friends to worry any more about you!"


When the worker's boss, the fisherman, saw this, he became very angry.


"You fool!" he shouted angrily to the worker. "I hired you to catch fish, not to throw them back into the water! You're a worthless fool! Begone(走开!滚蛋!) with you -- I don't ever want to see you again!"


And the poor worker walked sadly home. "What shall I tell my wife?" he wailed(悲叹), much afraid of what would happen to them without his job.


He was walking along the road deep in his unhappy thoughts, when suddenly he saw a Monster (怪物)in human shape coming toward him. The Monster was driving a very fine cow before him.


"Good day, brother," said the Monster. "Why do you seem so sad?"


The worker told him his story.


"See here, my friend," said the Monster. "I'm going to do you a favor. Do you see this cow? I'll let you keep her for three years. She'll give you plenty of good milk every day, and you and your wife will never go hungry. But listen carefully to this condition: When three years have passed, I will come and ask certain questions of you. If you answer them correctly, the cow will be yours. But if you don't, then I'll take both of you along with the cow, and do whatever I want with you. So -- do you accept??"
