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Footage has emerged of the sassy feline strutting her stuff on the aptly named 'catwalk' during Esmond International Fashion Show in Istanbul, Turkey, on Friday.周五,Esmond国际时装周在土耳其伊斯坦布尔剧本,许多明星、模特以及记者纷纷前来,然而这次的秀场上居然混入了一只猫,走着正儿八经的“猫步”,自信地在T台上踱步。After footage of the feline was posted onto Instagram, it quickly went viral, with over 100,000 views:随后这只猫在秀场走猫步的视频在Ins上很快传开,阅览量超过了10万:It's unclear where the feline came from, or how it got access to the exclusive event, but as soon it placed its best paw forward on the catwalk it enraptured the audience, calmly cleaning herself before launching attacks on passing models.目前大家对于这只猫的来历以及它是怎样混入秀场的毫无头绪,不过它的“最佳猫步”为它赢得了不少观众,使得人们也原谅了它后来在T台上“扰乱”来往模特的行为。When asked by The Dodo whether the cat had a future in fashion, designer Hakki Ali said:当被问及这只猫在走秀上是否有前途,设计师Hakki Ali称:

Maybe! Why not?这当然有可能!为什么不呢?It waits to be seen whether the eye-catching kitten will be gracing the cover of next month's Vogue magazine, but judging by her purr-fect performance, it seems paw-sitively likely!至于这只喵星人是否会登上下个月《Vogue》杂志的封面呢?全要靠它的“萌表演”了,让我们拭目以待。