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暑假即将结束 代写作业生意更加火爆


As the end of the summer holiday approaches, Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. 随着暑假接近尾声,我国中小学生越来越觉得自己深陷在堆积如山的学校作业中。 However, emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them. 然而,各大网络平台提供的新兴非法代写服务对他们来说似乎“大有帮助”。 "Contact customer service -- tell the requirements -- set the price -- mail the notebook -- pay the agreed fee -- get the returned manuscript," that's the chain of the ghostwriting industry, according to a report. 有报道称,代写行业的服务链是“联系客服——告知要求——确定价格——邮寄作业——支付议价——收到成品”。 On Taobao, China's largest e-commerce platform, you can find shops undertaking such services. 中国最大的电子商务平台淘宝网上有不少提供代写服务的网店。


Ghostwriting advertisements can also be seen on some social media platforms such as Weibo. 微博等社交媒体平台上也能看到代写广告。 College students are reported to be the main force of the ghostwriters. Plenty of time in the summer and the desire to earn pocket money motivate them to "help". 据报道,大学生是代写主力军。他们暑期时间充裕,加上渴望挣零花钱,所以他们乐于“帮忙”。 Under the slogan of "burden alleviation," Chinese education authorities have been trying to cut back on homework for primary school students for years. 在“减轻负担”的口号下,中国教育部门多年来一直在努力减少小学生的家庭作业。 However, more and more Chinese parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes. Students apparently can't bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school. 但是越来越多的中国家长倾向于对包括假期在内的孩子的业余时间进行安排,为他们报课外班。学生们显然无法承担来自学校和补习班的双重作业的重压。