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As Asia teems with infrastructure activity, western banks are quietly disappearing from the market. In their place regional banks have emerged as the dominant players, with Chinese lenders now the driving force.


The whittling away of European and US names from the region’s infrastructure financing line-up has been a long time coming. The crises of 1997 and 2008 helped clear out weaker players.


But more recently, a flood of new projects and liquidity in local markets have made regional banks difficult to beat on the cost of financing. With appetite for currency and sovereign risk low among global banks, lenders such as China Development Bank and Korea Development Bank have quickly stepped up, cheque in hand.


“In some respects, Chinese banks are prepared to change the basis on which these types of projects have been traditionally financed,” says Martin David, a principal at Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow, the law firm, who is based in Singapore.

“在某些方面,中资银行准备改变这类工程的传统融资依据,”贝克?麦坚时律所(Baker & McKenzie Wong & Leow)驻新加坡的合伙人马丁?戴维(Martin David)说。

By the end of 2016, just one western bank was in the league tables for the top 20 bank financiers for infrastructure in Asia, data from Dealogic show. Crédit Agricole retained the number 18 spot on the list, with $854m. A year earlier, six European banks made the list, pulling off $3.6bn in financing.

Dealogic数据显示,到2016年底,亚洲基础设施领域前20大银行融资人排行榜上,仅有一家西方银行。法国农业信贷银行(Crédit Agricole)保住了第18位的排名,提供资金额为8.54亿美元。一年前,上榜的欧洲银行有6家,提供融资额总量为36亿美元。

Among the top 10, Chinese banks took seven places, up from one the year before. China Development Bank crowned the list.


The race to the top was rapid. In 2012, banks from China that made it into the top 20 did $4.47bn in infrastructure finance in Asia, holding 11.2 per cent of the total market. Four years later, Chinese banks did $38.4bn, more than 60 per cent of the market.


A surge in domestic liquidity has hastened the trend — and has helped exclude capital markets financing. As US interest rates gradually rise, many Asian countries have kept their markets cushioned with cash. For countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, where domestic economic growth has been strong, banks are resting on deposit bases ready to be deployed. The People’s Bank of China, the central bank, has only in recent months started to tighten the strings after years of monetary easing.


“You continued to have strong bank liquidity in the market so it has been harder for the capital markets and institutional investors to get an increasing portion of regional infrastructure financing volumes,” says James Cameron, HSBC’s Asia Pacific head of infrastructure finance.

“市场上有着强劲的银行流动性,因此一段时间以来资本市场和机构投资者更难分得亚洲基础设施融资的更大份额,”汇丰(HSBC)亚太基础设施融资业务总监詹姆斯?卡梅隆(James Cameron)说。

Instead of capital market-based finance, government-supported deals have taken a lead position in the sector. China, for example, has launched a $900bn “One Belt, One Road” infrastructure programme with several projects — ports, roads, rail lines — popping up across Asia. Many of those deals are brokered directly with local governments and bring in state-controlled banks and companies to finance and build the projects.


Global banks are often limited to projects with dollar revenue streams, says ANZ’s Stella Saris, a director on the bank’s resources, energy and infrastructure team in Singapore. ANZ recently took part in the financing of international container terminals at Jakarta’s Tanjung Priok port. International ships docking in the port pay fees in US dollars, which can be used to pay back bank loans with little currency risk.

澳新银行(ANZ)驻新加坡的资源、能源与基础设施业务团队主管斯特拉?萨里斯(Stella Saris)表示,全球银行往往局限于能够开启美元收入流的项目。不久前,澳新银行参与了为雅加达丹戎不碌港(Tanjung Priok)国际集装箱码头提供融资。靠泊该港的国际船舶以美元支付费用,这些美元收入随后可用于偿还银行贷款,几乎没有汇率风险。

Other obstacles have been more difficult for global banks to sidestep. As the number of infrastructure projects swells in the region, there are more questions about quality. Experts say the market is flooded with poor-quality deals that only local banks will consider. “This is certainly a problem,” says Vivek Rao, a principal financial sector specialist at the Asian Development Bank who focuses on infrastructure. “Companies are struggling to establish quality contracts.”

其他障碍是全球银行更难回避的。亚洲基础设施项目数量的增多,引发了关于质量的更多疑问。专家表示,市场上充斥着太多质量低劣的项目,只有当地银行才会考虑介入。“这肯定是个问题,”亚开行(ADB)专门研究基础设施业务的金融行业主管专家维韦克?拉奥(Vivek Rao)说,“企业很难签到高质量的合同。”

Many of the problems are connected to local laws. In Indonesia, for example, it can take five years to secure the rights to land, leading to a timeframe and regulatory risk only local banks have been willing to take.


In one recent case, a coal-fired power plant project in the region failed to secure a coal supply agreement, according to Mr David. Such an agreement is indispensable when demonstrating to potential creditors that the project is feasible.


Chinese banks, however, opted for a completion agreement from the project’s Chinese financial sponsors in place of the coal-supply agreement, taking on an unheard-of level of risk while at the same time sealing the deal.


“Global banks and even local banks would never consider doing this type of approach,” Mr David says.
